Sunday, 28 December 2014


Networking is playing vital role in current IT era where data distribution and access is critically important. As the use of communication between two or more entities increases the networking technologies need to be improved and refurbished over time. Similarly the transmission media, the heart of a network, has been changed with the time improving on the previous one. If you know a little bit about networking you surely have heard the term Ethernet which is currently the dominant network technology. Wide spread of the Ethernet technology made most of the offices, universities and buildings use the technology for establishment of local area networks (LANs).

To understand what actually Ethernet is, we need to know about IEEE first which is a short of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE is a part of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) whose standard IEEE 802.3 is defined for Local Area Network. The standard 802.3 commonly known as ETHERNT defines the communication standards for how data is transferred from one network device to another in a local area network. Since the limit for Ethernet cable is few hundred meters Ethernet is commonly deployed for networks lying in a single building to connect devices with close proximity. The same standard for Ethernet enables manufactures from around the earth to manufacture Ethernet products in accordance with the ISO standards that are feasible for all computing devices worldwide.

Local Area Network
A LAN is an interconnected group of computers that span over a relatively small area. Generally LANs are limited to a single building or a group of buildings where a wired or wireless communication channel is used for connecting the computers. A LAN consists of following components:
· Two or more computers
· NIC (Network Interface Card) cards embedded in each computer.

· A switch or hub to centrally connect all the computers and controlling traffic.
· An Ethernet cable to connect each computer’s NIC to hub/switch.
· Networking software.
A NIC is installed on each computer and is assigned a unique address. The Ethernet cable connects all computers through hub or switch where each computer is directly connected to the central hub/switch. In wireless LANs also called Wi-Fi, a wireless NIC is used in lieu of cables and data is transferred through radio waves.


Ethernet was developed by Robert Metcalfe at Xerox PARC between 1973 and 1974 and first documented on May 22, 1973. Later it was successfully deployed at PARC in 1976. After two years Xerox developed X-Wire - a 10 Mbit/s Ethernet running on a coaxial cable.

In June 1979, Robert Metcalfe left Xerox and founded 3Com to commercialize the Ethernet. He convinced Gordon Bell at DEC, David Liddle at Xerox and Phil Kaufman at Intel to jointly develop an Ethernet specification based on X-Wire. This specification was called DIX Ethernet which specifies a 10 Mbit/s ethernet cable.
In 1982 Sun Microsystems was founded to develop UNIX workstations with Ethernet. Later soon Intel introduced the first Ethernet interface card. In November 1982, the second version of ethernet was launched known as Ethernet II. Next year the 802.3 specification was formally approved by IEEE and it was adopted by ISO. Soon there were many new companies like Novell, Cabletron, CISCO, Network General, and SynOptics to develop a variety of devices for Ethernet LAN. Ethernet became the major technology in computer networking by the end of 1980’s. Since then the technology is continuously evolving data speeds and reliability measures.

Ethernet terms
Ethernet specification defines all aspects of local area network communication. To understand its actual working, below are some important terminologies that are frequently used in Ethernet networking
· Medium - An Ethernet medium is the cable used for data travelling. The earlier medium that was used in Ethernet systems was co-axial copper cable which was replaced by twisted pair cables.
· Segment – A piece of the medium that is used in a single connection is known as segment.
· Node – The end devices which are connected through segments.
· Frame – Data and information is divided into frames, where each frame is a short message that travels from source node to destination node. Each frame is constructed according to the protocols and contains a source and destination address.

Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model
OSI Model is a characterization for standardization of working of a communication system. The model divides the central tasks of data communication into seven layers. Each layer is built upon the one beneath it, acting as an instance which carries out its tasks according to rules defined by protocols which can extend over several layers. These layers are –
1. Physical Layer
2. Data Link Layer
3. Network Layer
4. Transport Layer
5. Session Layer
6. Presentation Layer
7. Application Layer
Data transmission on an Ethernet network works in accordance with OSI model layers. For simplicity first two layers are commonly called as physical layers, network and transport layers are termed as transmission layers however each layer has the different tasks to be done. The first – physical layer defines the electrical, mechanical and functional interface to the transmission medium. The second layer – Data Link Layer defines data addressing and reliable data connection between end devices and communication channel by using error detection functions. The network layer controls data transmission timing and logic while transport layer segment data and assigns it to applications. The last three layers – session, presentation and application layer, as all the programs and applications have a direct access to these layers, they are summarized to application layers.
The Ethernet protocol mainly implements the bottom two layers of the OSI 7-layer model, i.e., the data link and physical layers. It uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) to support the data link layer. CSMA/CD, a protocol to determine how network devices respond when two devices attempt to use a data channel simultaneously, checks the media for other devices before transmitting data to minimize the number of collisions.
The systems communicating over Ethernet send information dividing it to a stream of data into shorter pieces called frames. Each frame contains source and destination addresses and error-checking data so that damaged data can be detected and re-transmitted. There are specific rules for generating frames to send over the Ethernet network:
Length of a frame varies
A frame must contain the source and destination address
There should be a unique address for each device in the network.
A node should be uniquely identified.

Structure of Ethernet Frame
An Ethernet frame is made up of five fields: the Destination and the Source MAC address field, the Ethertype field that contains some control information, a Payload (data) field, and a trailing Frame Check Sequence field that holds a checksum for the frame. The Ethernet frame starts with preamble and start frame delimiter, followed by an ethernet header containing MAC address of source and destination devices. The middle section of the frame consists of payload data including headers for other protocols such as internet protocol, carried in the frame. The end part of the frame consist a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check which detects the errors in transmission. The standard data frame has a maximum length of 1518 bytes, and contains a Payload field of at least 46 and up to 1500 bytes.
The Data Link layer receives data in bit form and combines them into bytes which are combined into frames. These frames encapsulate data packets from the Network layer for. A MAC frame format is used by Ethernet devices to pass data frames and perform a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for error detection.

Types of Ethernet cabling
The Ethernet physical layer evolved over a considerable time span and encompasses coaxial, twisted pair and fiber optic physical media interfaces and speeds from 10 Mbit/s to 100 Gbit/s. Depending on the requirement and use, Ethernet cables are divided into various categories.

Straight through and crossover are two types of cables used in networking. Straight through is used for connecting two different types of network devices such as PC and Hub while Crossover cables are used for connecting two same type of networking devices such as PC to PC or Hub to Hub. Besides this simple categorization there are some other things that vary in different Ethernet cables.
Cat 3 – It is used for voice cabling and 10Mb Ethernet
Cat 5 – It is used for 10/100Mb Ethernet and works for voice as well
Cat 5E – It is an enhanced Cat 5 cabling that helps to prevent cross-talk, works for 10/100Mb and 1000Mb (or Gigabit Ethernet)
Cat 6 – It is similar to Cat 5E but with larger gauge wires, works for 10/100/1000Mb. This cable is better than Cat 5e for Gigabit Ethernet.
Cat 7 – Also called Class F, Cat 7 cables are fully-shielded cabling and support up to 600Mhz. This is a relatively new type of cabling and has not been used much.
Besides the new advancements in Ethernet cabling, Category 5E is still in wide use as it works for 100 Mbit/s and is economical compared to the higher categories of cabling.
Get in depth detail about a conventional ethernet cable through exclusive images and thorough explanation through Insight of ethernet cable.
Wired Vs Wireless LAN
Generally the cables used in wired LANs are Ethernet cables consisting twisted pair cable with RJ45 connectors at both ends. All the data transfer occurs through this cable. Similar like wired LAN, a wireless LAN, commonly known as Wi-Fi can also be established where radio waves are used for data communication instead of a cable. There are particular wirelesses LAN cards are used instead of simple LAN cards. A small antenna situated in wireless network card receives radio signals from computers or hub or switches.

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Web Tools

Internet tools make the life easier. Here is the list of top 10 web tools of 2014.

Internet is full of useful web tools. We have never ran short of online tools and programs. Number of web tools and programs were launched in 2014. Web tools can help you in making your day to day work efficient as well as improve the quality of outcome. Today we have listed top 10 useful web tools of 2014.

1. Infogram

Infogram is a great tool to create infographics online. The tool is full of library of tools to generate modern, sharp and responsive graphs, charts and infographics. You can use this tool to present your idea, to make your powerpoint presentation look more interesting and polished. Infogram has quite user friendly UI. It doesn't take long time to learn all the menu and tools in Infogram.

2. Up Hail

Up Hail lets you compare the taxi fare in real time and help you find the best deal. You can simply type your destination and arrival points and Up Hail calculates the fare of your travel. This is a great tool to figure out whether Uber or Lyft is cheaper for the ride.

3. Inbox

This is another example of a great product by Google. If you are a Gmail user, then this is tool can be of great use to you. Inbox makes your email more organized. You can track your shipment of product that you purchased online using Inbox too.

4. Overcast

Overcast is a great podcast app. It is a combination of nifty layout and a great search feature. Users can control the speed and volume of playbacks using Overcast. This seems like a great upgraded version of iTunes podcasts. This is a must have tool for podcast lovers.

5. Nuzzel

The idea behind Nuzzel is pretty simple. The app links up with your social accounts to connect your friends. If you choose an option to send the most posted stories about your dinner party, the app will fetch the data and show it to you.

6. YouTube Music Key

This tool of YouTube lets you find the new as well as rare music recordings. The web tool has a library of of music that you can search through. The app records your choices and gives you recommendation based on your taste in music. You can find “music” tab on YouTube’s homepage to access the YouTube Music Key.

7. Medium

This is a premium writing platform. The online tool has very mature content. Many popular journalists, celebrities contribute to this platform. Even US President Barack Obama posts article on Medium.

8. Product Hunt

Product Hunt is a online search engine for startups, apps and ideas. You can use this tool to search about the new startups. People can even rate the products. This crowd-sourced platform is a great place to search for new apps and ideas.

9. The Internet Arcade

The Internet Arcade is the collection of video games. There are plenty of options of games available on The Internet Arcade. Some very rare game titles like Special Forces, Kung Fu Commando and Gravitar as well as some some classics like Street Fighter, Frogger are available on The Internet Arcade.

10. Flux

The screens aren't great for eyes at any time of the day. Specially during the night hours, using the computer in no light is a nightmare. It gives you headache, eyes start hurting and many such related problems occur. F.lux is a great solution to get rid of all such worries. The tool automatically adjusts the screen brightness of your computer.

Friday, 26 December 2014

SMS Gateway

After the invention of video games, ‘Short Message Service’ is by far the best thing that could have happened to the youth of the world. Short Message Service or lovingly shortened as SMS, has been one of the most significant means of exchanging information in the modern era of thumb twiddling youth. They are fast paced, tech savvy and almost always running short of time as well as mobile talk-time. Advances in technology makes them engrossed with computer and electronic gadgets for a better part of their time and sometimes, even picking up the phone to type a message seems to be a herculean task. Much like the youth is the industrial sector that thrives on youth’s desires.

The advertisement sector finds it prohibitively expensive on time and money to employ teams for typing advertising SMS on mobile phones and sending them to different numbers in a bid to garner customers. But with continued innovation in the field of technology, the divide between all sorts of communication methods is lapsing and means are being invented to extract more time from our already congested lifestyles and more juice from the limited resources. Typing with a keyboard is easy, and an add-on is that typing repetitively is no longer necessary, do it once and we are set. Use a computer and broadcast the SMS.

Anyone reading this must have used an online SMS sending website to send a couple of message to different phone numbers when running short of balance or were just too lazy to fetch the phone from the next room. If you have, then you already have experienced the magnificence of this technology, and if not, please go and do it now. A SMS is a short text message which can be sent over the wireless channel using certain standardized communication methods over the ‘Mobile Application Part’ (MAP) of the SS7 protocol. The GSM 7-bit alphabet encoding scheme limits the maximum payload length to 160 characters. There are a few ways in which the same message can be sent from a computer and we are going to discuss a few of them in the following discussion.

The first step to use any technology is, to have a motive. In case of PC based SMS, the motive may vary with the size of organization and the targeted audience base for the SMS. The two broad types of classifications of PC Based SMS technology can be inferred from the following diagram:

Light Weight Messaging:
Lightweight Messaging is what individuals do. A GSM modem is interfaced with the computer over a serial or a USB port and a GUI (Graphical User Interface) or a CLI (Command Line Interface) is used to send messages to any mobile using the GSM modem. A GSM Modem is like a Dial-Up Modem in function, the major difference being that a dial-up modem uses transmission lines while GSM modem uses wireless network. It uses the SMS specifications to send messages, much like any GSM phone and also needs a SIM card to be able to send SMS. These are called ‘Direct to the Mobile Appliance’ type of devices, as these can directly access the mobile SS7 networks through the modem and can deliver messages right into the destination mobile device(s). Such devices do not use any kind of internet access or infrastructure in between and act as a gateway from the computer into the wireless network.

Modern Internet USB dongles are a much refined version of such GSM modems which are capable of full phone functionalities. Most network providers scrap down the capabilities of the dongles by using their own, toned down firmware with the devices. Many ‘Do It Yourself’ project ideas revolving around applications of a GSM modem interfaced with a computer are available online. The device communication is done through a sequence of AT commands which are quite easy after little practice. More information on this is available here.

This type of technology is intended for tech savvy individuals and to cater to the intra-company needs of the corporate. Seniors in big corporate offices can use such Direct to Mobile Appliances to broadcast message to the mobiles of a large number of people within the organization, for example, meeting notifications to a particular team. The advantage would be that, the contacts listing, sorting and managing can be automated and much more simplified by the use of a computer, rather than a mobile phone.

A novel use of such technology has been in the medical field, where the doctor is sent an alarm SMS from the bedside monitoring instruments of a patient in case some spurious reading is detected, indicating a critical situation which demands immediate attention. This not only increases the efficiency of the medical teams, but also reduces the workload on staff on duty.

Bulk Messaging:
Bulk messaging is the way we receive advertisements on our mobiles from various advertising companies. It is obvious that a single GSM interfaced modem cannot take care of such transmissions. Not only it is too time consuming, but the number of mobile subscribers to which the SMS is to be sent is just too large to be allowed on a single phone. Thus, mobile service providers have provided alternative means to get around this limitation for the companies. They provide direct access to their SMS Centers for companies through internet or leased lines via a SMS gateway.

An SMS gateway is generally offered as Software as a Service (SaaS), or a well documented API which can be integrated into the backend of the server. It falls into the ‘Direct to SMSC Appliance’ type of SMS devices. It generally interacts with only one SMSC at a time, which offers bulk SMS services at a certain pricing. Its function is to convert incoming SMS sending requests into a format that is compatible with the Short Messaging Service Center (SMSC).

The incoming request can be from a webpage, in the form of a hyper text transfer protocol (http), or some form of script request calling a function in the software. A typical HTTP request may look like:

A similar functionality can be provided in the form of software to be loaded on the computers. An example code snippet from JAVA can be:

These messages need to be converted into the format the serving SMSC works in. For example, Nokia SMSCs use Computer Interface to Message Distribution (CIMD) protocol, while CMG, another SMSC provider uses External Machine Interface (EMI) which is an extension to Universal Computer Protocol (UCP). There are other providers too who use Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP). Each protocol is different from the other in most respects except the function that they perform. For example, the above request converted into the two common SMSC protocols is shown below:

SMS Send Request in EMI Protocol

There are basically two types of SMS Gateways which can be used to send bulk messaging.
SMS Aggregators: These are the gateways used by most web based SMS service providers. The aggregators do not have access beyond the SMSCs and can only route packets up to the message centre. This is an example of Local Termination Model. They do not have access to the wireless mobile networks and cannot ensure delivery on their own and are also bounded by national boundary restrictions most of the time. After the message has been submitted at the SMSC, these gateways are pretty much at the mercy of the network service provider for the delivery of messages over the air using the SS7 protocols.

Let us look into the pros and cons of such gateways. These are generally much cheaper that sending individual messages to multiple mobile numbers from a mobile device. If the network delivery services of the provider are reliable, then the gateway itself is reliable too. Non-critical messages can be easily sent using such method. The infrastructure required is minimal, is generally software tailored to suit the requirements of the customer or can be implemented independently by the user himself too. On the flipside, the message delivery not being guaranteed means that important message may not be sent using it, as there is no assurance of them being delivered.

SS7 Providers: SS7 providers achieve what SMS Aggregators fall short of, guaranteed message delivery provided that the destination number is valid and in service. Such type of gateways is far more complex and need a lot more infrastructure. Dedicated machines may be required to install such service. The SS7 provider Gateways have access to the SS7 channels of the mobile network, and thus, can exercise full control over the Message routing through the Wireless network right up to the delivery of the message on the destination mobile device. This follows International Termination Model and also enables sending of international SMS’s. But like most of the excellent things, such services are very expensive for just any company to buy.

This type of Direct to SMSC devices are intended for advertising companies, awareness agencies and companies offering personalized mobile services. They generally use A2P (Application to Person) services. Business ventures floating new shares in the market may send out notifications to their existing shareholders through such services. Advertisement agencies send regional advertisements and local offers using such type of devices to maximize turnouts. Banks and insurance companies offer personalized mobile services following a query response model and also providing advice and alerts to their subscribers. Governments have started to exploit the Mobile penetration to spread awareness about various activities to all people who have access to mobile phones, which encompasses a big majority of the world population. A recent example is the sending out of SMS notifications and reminders regarding the Mega Earthquake Disaster Management Mock Drill organized by DDMA. Mobile Network providers offer value added services like sports and news updates using such devices. Even Google provides SMS based localized search.

The technology may often cause nuisance by causing disturbance at the wrong hours, and may sometimes be used as a tool of mischief by individuals to send harassing SMS from websites anonymously. TO remedy this, the companies have started to offer Do Not Disturb (DND) services and the recipients may also choose not to receive any kind of SMS from that service.

Computer based SMS has gained much prominence and made an impact on society. In 2011 alone, more than 8 trillion text messages were sent and mobile advertisement revenue was around US $3.3 billion which is estimated to cross $20.6 billion by 2015. Countries like England, France and Germany have been found to be very receptive towards Mobile Advertisements. SMS has been a hit among people since it was first introduced in 1992 and till such creative innovations keep on simplifying things, SMS will continue to deliver big contents in a cramped 160 character message.


Alternatives For Linux Mainstream Distros

Alternative distros are not feature packed as mainstream distros but they are known for their simplicity and purpose focused use-case.

2014 has been a great year in world of open source Linux distros. Many new Linux distros were released this year. Many mainstream distro users migrated to alternative options in 2014. The mainstream distros are popular as they have large userbase, number of developers working on the development, the support is quite accurate and responsive and they have their own software repositories.

Alternative distros don’t have either of the features that mainstream Linux does but, however alternative distros are created for specific purpose. Many users like to try out alternative distros for a change. These alternative distros are based on mainstream distro. Today we have listed six alternative distros that were released in 2014. However most of these alternative distros are paid.

1. Puppy Linux

Puppy Linux has unique user interface. The package comes in size of just 200 MB. It is designed to run from USB drive. Puppy Linux is basically made to work on portable devices. The distro has Quickpet installer that helps you to install common software packages. The distro is quite light. It is perfect for computers with older hardware.

Click here to download Puppy Linux

2. Makulu

The design of Makulu is inspired by Ubuntu MATE or Linux Mint. Makulu themes have nice cosmetic touch. The distro comes with Thunderbird, Dropbox, Kingsoft office, Audacious and VLC bundled within the distro. Makulu has two installers to install apps. Linux Mint installer is tried and tested for years while, Makulu’s own software installer has been inbuilt in the distro as well. Makulu also has good collection of inbuilt games. The distro has similar UI as Fundutu and Point Linux.

Click here to download Makulu

3. SparkyLinux (Gameover Edition)

SparkyLinux is based on LXDE desktop environment. The distro is pretty lightweight. Number of applications are already included in SparkyLinux. There is set of applications to listen to the music and watching videos as well. The OS has bundled Transmission bitorrent client and Dropbox. The distro is focused on gamelovers. It includes games like Battle For Wesnoth, SuperTuxKart and SuperTux in the distro itself. There are some retrogaming options like breakout, lemmings and tetris.

Click here to download SparkyLinux

4. Peppermint OS

This distro is a great combination of desktop Linux distro and web kiosk. The distro is based on LXDE desktop. The distro includes Gnome Mplayer, Guayadeque Audio Player, file manager, terminal, text editor and screenshot tool. Peppermint has ICE editor that lets you integrate web apps into desktop. The Peppermint OS has similar UI as Google Chromebook. Peppermint OS is the best solution if you have mid-range desktop computer which you use mainly for web apps.

Click here to install Peppermint OS

5. Netrunner

Netrunner is similar to Ubuntu. The Ubuntu users would love Netrunner. The distro is based on KDE desktop. Installing the distro is pretty easy. The distro includes installation guide. All important and commonly used applications are already included in Netrunner.

Click here to download Netrunner

6. Simplicity Linux

Simplicity Linux is based on Slacko version of Puppy Linux. It gives you access to Slackware repositories, which is great for installing applications that are not included in the distro by default. The distro is available in three main versions, Minimal, Netbook and Full. The UI of Simplicity is more like a standard desktop distro but, it packs number of great applications with most performance benefits of desktop distro.

Click here to download Simplicity Linux

7. Zorin

Zorin distro is known for glitz and appearance of desktop UI. It does not include all desktop effects that come with Compiz. The main feature of Zorin is the look changer that comes with the desktop. It enables to switch between Windows UI and GNOME 2 look. Some developers have even added OSX look in Zorin. Zorin OS is available to download for free.

Click here to download Zorin

Free Online Courses To Improve Your Tech Skills

You should take the following free courses to improve your tech skills.

There was a time when you had to go to college or university to get advance level of education. But such ways of learning are taken over by online education. Now, you can get higher education right from your house. The internet has opened many doors to us. There are number of websites that offer online courses. There are many free online tech training available. Many of these courses charge if you want to get certificate or the credit. But if you just want to learn for sake of knowledge then these courses are absolutely free. Today we have listed top 6 courses that can grow your tech skills.

1. Introduction to Linux

This course offered by edX provides you all fundamental knowledge of Linux. The Linux Foundation has partnered with edX to offer this course. The course has graphical interface and command line as well. So you can practice what you learn. The course is designed with 40-60 hours of study material. Students can audit the course at no extra cost. There is course material, tests, assignments and activities given online. You can get the certificate of achievement for free but, if you want verified certificate for bullet point on resume, you have to pay the fee.

2. Google Analytics Academy

Competition of organic search engine is long gone. It is important to understand the analytics of your website. It helps in making more data based decisions at the same time it helps in improving customer experience. Google’s Analytics tool is the best solution for analytical monitoring and tracking. They have also created the online learning center to offer courses for better understanding of hidden data located in your site.

3. Microsoft Virtual Academy

Microsoft Virtual Academy is focused on courses based on Microsoft products. The course offers almost everything, from game to cloud to app development. You can participate and learn for free but you need to use Microsoft account and create MVA profile. You can take courses, attend live events as well as track your learning progress.

4. Udacity

Udacity is famous for online programming learning courses. The site offers free courses for HTML, Python, Data science and much more. The site has over 1.6 million active users. Udacity has recently partnered with Google to offer Android programming courses. The site has free material, videos, tests, project instructions and much more. Udacity offers online courses for most of the programming languages out there.

5. Alison

Alison has number of free technical courses. It has over 106 tech courses in Digital Literacy and Skills section. The site has 3 million active users. Alison offers number of tech courses right from building online business to C programming to Adobe technologies training. ABC IT-Computer Training course is the most popular course on Alison.

6. Harvard CS50

This is the introduction to computer science class by Harvard University. The course includes basic coding and learning aspects of C programming, CSS, HTML, JavaScript and MySQL. It offers number of free ways to learn to code. You can register for Harvard credit and certificate by paying a fee. The course offers auditing for free and if you achieve the satisfactory level you will get the Honor Code certificate.
You should take the following free courses to improve your tech skills.


Tips To Secure Your Emails

Here are five simple tips that can save you from serious email attacks.

Considering the number of hacking events happened in recent time. Online data security has become really important aspect these days. Latest Sony hack exposed emails of company’s employees. Hackers can spoof into company’s emails by sending fake email with malicious link to exploit sensitive user data. Today we have listed five simple tips that can help you in securing your emails to avoid such online spoofs.

1. Archive

You should 'Archive' your read email in equal interval of time. Most IT companies have auto archive policy. This takes the email off the server however, you can still access the email on your local machine. But they cannot be accessed from website or any other online media. Archiving email is the best option to secure your server database. You can even create filter to archive specific type of emails automatically.

2. Organised Mailbox

You must organise your email inbox on equal intervals of time. You can create folders to sort your emails. This can help you in segmenting data so that attacker wouldn't understand which folder to go to. You can take multiple steps to search your wanted information. Organizing email inbox is the most convenient way to secure emails.

3. Work and Personal emails

You shout never use work email for person mail and vice versa. This limits the access to attacker. In case you are using the same email for both and work emails then it lets attacker to know your shopping habits, possibly even credit card and bank account information. Attackers often send out phishing message that allow hackers to gain access of your mailbox.

4. Unknown Attachments

If you ever receive an email with link or attachment that you were not expecting. Do not click it. These are phishing emails, it exploits your system with malicious script. Sometimes hackers access some of your friends email address to send you malicious attachment. If you are not expecting any email with an attachment from your contact. Send a separate email the sender asking whether the first email was legitimate.

5. Raise Alarm

In case of your work email, if your email inbox is acting strange. If it automatically sends replies, it is highly probable that your email has been compromised. You should directly contact your IT department and alert them about the incident.
Here are five simple tips that can save you from serious email attacks.

New Year Resolutions For Job Seekers!

Are you aiming to get your dream job in 2015? You should have the following six resolutions.

he new year is almost here. Everyone makes new resolutions for new year. If you are aiming to get grab your dream job in this year, you should have different perspective towards everything. A job seeker has goals and plans. The resolutions of job seeker should be centric on the dream job. Today we have listed 6 must have resolutions for job seekers.

1. Define Goals

If you are aiming for some dream job, you must know your goals. Define and set you goals. It is important for job seekers to define the path towards tapping the dream job and set goals. The goals can guide you on how to get your dream job.

2. Research

For deciding goals and deciding plan of action, you need to research your path before setting it. Make sure that there are no loops in your plan of action. Target your research in direction of your dream job.

3. Networking

Networking is a key to your dream job. Networking doesn't happen just online. You should attend offline meetups, events to communicate with new people. Build your social influences network. Networking is the most valuable aspect for any job.

4. Volunteer

Volunteering helps in networking. Rather than sitting idle at home, you should go out and volunteer for different social jobs and programs. Volunteering develops new skills in people. Community volunteer work helps in defining short term goals. It can be added to the resume.

5. Elevator Pitch

Elevator pitch is basically a short introduction of yourself. You need to prepare elevator pitch for yourself. Elevator pitch should cover all important points that you want to tell your potential employers. Choose the qualities that you want to highlight to the employer. Elevator pitch is very useful while networking.

6. Social Media Plan

Social media helps a lot in networking. You can easily build your influencers on social media platforms. Potential employers often run a background check on you on internet. Social media comes handy at that time. Your interaction on social media gives idea about your behavioral and thinking pattern.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

How to deploy your applications in Microsoft Azure

How to deploy your applications in Microsoft Azure

Nowadays, many IT companies as well as individuals are developing applications but in this process, they don’t spend much time in planning the deployment strategy. During the development phase of an application, there may arise a situation where it is not clear as to who is responsible for a particular piece of work. Hence, the concept of Devop has come into existence. Devops are the people are responsible for both development and deployment .So it is important for a developer to learn deployment methodologies as well. Azure supports plenty of methods but we will briefly categorize them into the following:

2) Deploying Directly from IDE

3) Deploying by FTP Client

4) Using Command Line tools and REST API

Deploying from the source control system
Visual Studio Online

Visual Studio Online (VSO), formerly known as Team Foundation Service, is trying to make the lives of fellow developers easy by providing the features of continuous integration and delivery. Here are some key features of VSO:

• It supports both Git (distributed) and TFVC (centralized) source control.

• It supports Source Code management and version management.

• It supports continuous delivery to Azure.

• It supports automated load testing. Load testing is critical to a cloud app but is often neglected until it is too late. Load testing simulates heavy use of an app by thousands of users, enabling you to find bottlenecks and improve throughput before you release the app to production.

• It supports team room collaboration, which facilitates real-time communication and collaboration for small agile teams.

• It supports agile project management.

• The service is free for a team up to 5 Members and paid beyond that. Apart from 5 free members it also offers unlimited license as “Stake Holders”. Stakeholders have access to the project home page and most of the “work” related functionality. This includes the ability to view the backlog, add and edit items, run work item queries and more.
GIT as a source control

When GIT is used for source control, the user can access the repository with all of its history on his local computer, with the help of it’s local copy. This serves as an added advantage for those people who might not be connected to network at all time. The user has the liberty to continue to do commits and rollbacks, create and switch branches, and so forth. Even when the user is connected to the network, it's easier and quicker to create branches and switch branches when everything is local. The user can also do local commits and rollbacks without having an impact on other developers.

Merculiar – Another source control management tool

Merculiar is also a source control management tool but it’s not directly supported for continuous Deployment from IDE instead the user needs to push the repo in bitbucket or codeplex and also, one can connect his azure account with it. Both Git and Merculiar works on the same lines but the thing that is common to these approaches is that the user owns the code. E.g. in the GitHub case, you must be an admin on the project. The reason is that Azure needs to set up a hook in the project to enable continuous deployment, and only project owners can do that.

So if a user does not have the ownership of the code he must use Merculiar instead of Git. The downside of this is mode is the unavailability of continuous deployment.

Dropbox is a free service that makes it easy to share files between multiple computers by simply copying files to a local Dropbox folder, and now it’s just as easy to deploy a Web site to Windows Azure. Simply copy files to the Dropbox folder and press a button to deploy. All platforms supported by the Windows Azure SDK are supported, so one can copy sources for .NET, PHP, or Node applications and the right things will happen on the server to deploy and run your site. It’s not basically an IDE but you can use this for publishing the site.

Deploying by FTP Client

FTP refers to File Transfer Protocol and it is one of the most common method uses for deployment of websites. One can get his deployment credentials and URL from the azure dashboard and publish the application by using FTP client like FileZilla. All that is needed to be mentioned is the source and destination.
Deploying from an IDE

Visual Studio and WebMatrix are Microsoft IDEs (integrated development environments) that can be used for web development. Both Use Web Deploy for the deployment. Web Deploy enables the user to package his Web application content, configuration, databases and any other artifacts like registry, GAC assemblies etc., which can be used for storage or redeployment. If the package needs to be redeployed to a different environment, configuration values within the package can be parameterized during deployment without requiring modifications to the packages themselves.
Cross-platform command line (xpat-cli)

You can use the command line in Mac or Linux machines to deploy by using FTP. If you do that, you can also access the Azure REST management API using the Azure cross-platform command-line interface (xpat-cli). The xpat-cli can also be used on Windows machines. We have cmdlets available for performing all the operations for deployment.
Web Deploy

Web Deploy is Microsoft software for deployment to IIS that not only provides intelligent file sync features but also can perform or coordinate many other deployment-related tasks that can't be automated when you use FTP. For example, Web Deploy can deploy a new database or database updates along with your website. Web Deploy can also minimize the time required to update an existing site since it can intelligently copy only changed files. Microsoft Web Matrix, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Online, and Team Foundation Server have support for Web Deploy built-in, but you can also use Web Deploy directly from the command line to automate deploymen.t. Although the learning curve for using Web commands is steep, it is probably the most powerful mode of deployment.

• Azure gives its users a wide variety of options to deploy the application, with the support of git and CLI tools open source developers will find it pretty comfortable in their area of expertise and with the option of deploying directly through the IDE (Visual studio and Web Matrix) as well as with Visual Studio Online one can use both TFS/Git which seems to be a favorite for the Microsoft Developer.

• Users have an option for the legacy FTP, where they can use the FTP client like FileZilla and push the binaries to the desired folder on the server. So Azure has something for every developer and it’s the choice of a developer to select according to his or her preference.


Micromax's Yu Yureka: All you need to know about the Rs. 8,999 smartphone

Micromax today launched its first Cyanogen-powered smartphone, under the Yu brand. The Yu Yureka is a competitively priced and is to be sold from January 8, 2015.

Homegrown smartphone maker, Micromax, today took a big step in changing its image in the country. Micromax launched its first device under the Yu brand, its new sister concern. The first phone under the brand, known as Yureka, runs on CyanogenMod and is very attractively priced. The Yu Yureka has been under a lot of scrutiny, following the controversy surrounding Cyanogen and OnePlus, which made it all the more important for Micromax to get everything right. At first glance, the company seems to have got it right, but we can tell you more once we have the device in our hands. Till then, here are nine things that you really should know about the Yu Yureka smartphone.

Flash Sale..

The first Yu device, and possibly others to follow, will be sold through the same online model that Xiaomi is known for. The device goes up for registration tomorrow (December 19) and will start selling from January 8. Let’s hope the shipments are bigger than what Xiaomi brings though.

The CyanogenMod 11 OS runs on the Yureka smartphone. Even though the OS has been made for this device, the ROM is pretty similar to what we saw on the OnePlus One. CM has added features for security and privacy, but other than that, it is pretty much the same. Of course, the OS was called CyanogenMod 11S for the One, while this one goes with the CyanogenMod 11 monicker.

First to get CyanogenMod Lollipop ROM..

Rahul Sharma, co-founder of Micromax, also revealed at the Yu launch event today that the Yu Yureka would be the first smartphone to get the Lollipop version of CyanogenMod. The new version should come sometime in January, although we wouldn’t expect it before late January or early February, since the device will go on sale on January 8.

New Brand..

Yu is a completely new brand, which is owned by Micromax. In essence, this is the same relationship that Lava and Xolo share. Micromax and Yu are sister concerns, which will compete with each other and against other manufacturers in the market. Micromax didn’t confirm any plans for an overseas launch, but we expect it to go global sometime in the future.

Rooting doesn’t void warranty...

One of the best features of the OnePlus One is the fact that rooting the device doesn’t void its warranty. As Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma said at the launch, the same is in effect for the Yureka. In addition, the kernel source will also be made available to users. Like the OnePlus One, the Yureka comes with an unlockable bootloader.

Free Doorstep service...

Micromax is trying out a free doorstep service with this device. Yu users can buy the device online and have it delivered to their homes. Further, after sale, Micromax is offering free repair and replacement services at your doorstep as well.

Rs. 8,999...

The Yu Yureka is very competitively priced at Rs. 8,999. This makes it the only octa-core 64-bit smartphone in the below 10k price bracket. In fact, it is currently the cheapest such device in the market. Initial benchmarks showed at the launch event show that it is well ahead of its closest competitor, the Xiaomi Redmi Note.

Nextbit Baton

The Android continuity feature will make its first appearance for Indian users with this device. Nextbit had created this feature exclusively for Cyanogen sometime back, which is the reason for its availability in the Yureka smartphone. It allows backup and cloud synchronisation of logins along with app data and settings.

Coolpad repackaged

The specifications and build of the Yu Yureka are the same as the Coolpad F2 smartphone, which is sold in China. The device is basically a repackaged version of the F2, which also comes with Snapdragon 615, 5.5 inch HD display and other similar features. The only difference is that the F2 has 32 GB internal storage, while the Yureka has 16 GB.

Leather cover

Early adopters of the device will also get a Leather cover free with their Yu Yureka smartphone. This is a handcrafted leather cover that Micromax showed off at the launch event


Must-Have Free Android Apps

Here are top 10 free Android apps that can make your daily life simpler and interesting.

There are over 1.3 million apps available in Google Play Store. You use number of apps from these on a daily basis to improve the productivity of your work. The choice of apps for each task is huge too. It can leave you confused. Some of the very useful apps are unknown to most users. Today we have listed top 10 useful Android apps everyone should have in their Android smartphones.

1. Pocket

This is one of the top productivity apps available in Play Store. Pocket takes care of reading online articles. Suppose, you are going through an email and it contains some link but you don't have enough time to read it, you can save it to read it later using Pocket. Pocket will even load the link in background for offline reading.

2. SoundCloud

This music app lets you subscribe to a music service. The app is available for free. You can search the music using it’s unique scanning feature. It listens to the music and identifies the track for you. There is a library of music available to stream too.

3. Vivino Wine Scanner

Are you a wine lover? This app is totally for you. You can take a picture of bottle of wine and this app will search all the details about it for you. It also gives personalised recommendations to help you find the best wine shops nearby your area. The app is available for free.

4. Endomondo

Endomondo is the free personal fitness trainer. You can track your fitness activities such as running, cycling, walking, kayaking, skiing etc. It also tracks your heart rate and keeps you motivated to work out more.

5. Hitman Go

This is a puzzle-based game with diorama style set of pieces. The game has assassin theme, you can select the stealth or other kind of approaches. The game is quite complex but it keeps you engaged for really long time.

6. Personal Capital Finance

This award winning free app is one stop solution for all your financial documentation. The app lets you keep all your financial records, money, assets, investment account, retirement account, checking, savings, credit cards, mortgages etc. You don’t need to worry about missing deadline to pay mortgage or credit card bill anymore. The app will remind you. The app lets you have more control over your own financial future.

7. Fancy

Are you looking to shop for unique and interesting items? This app is just right for you. The app has library of antique items listed by users. You can also add antique items to help to build the library. You can share gift wish list within groups.

8. Flutter

Flutter is a free butterfly game. The game can relax your mood in few seconds. It has beautiful butterflies in rain forest, you can learn about them, travel with them through beautiful scenery. The app is just perfect to set your mood right.

9. EyeEm

EyeEm is a free camera app. The app has set of different filters and special effects that can add beautiful effect to your clicked pictures. It also has some fun effects and add-ons. This is just perfect app to challenge your creativity to another level. The app is available to download for free.

10. PicsArt

PicsArt - Photo Studio is a unique photo editing app with complex set of features. The app is meant to be used by real artists who can deal with complex photo editing tools. You can do lot more with this app than you can image doing with mobile photo editing app. The app is available for free.
Here are top 10 free Android apps that can make your daily life simpler and interesting.

Innovative Ways To Manage Your Emails!

Managing emails is a clumsy task. Many users hate to do this. Some users are lazy to organise their emails. Well, the good news for you, there are multiple email services that can help you with organising your important as well as personal emails. Here are the six ways to manage your emails in better way.

1. For Gmail Users

Google has recently launched Inbox for Gmail that de-clutters your inbox. The app automatically categorises your mails in groups such as Social, Travel, Finance, Updates, Forums and Promos. For example, the email notifications from Facebook or Twitter will appear in Social while the newsletter from your bank will go in Finance. However you can still label the email and move your mails according to the labels as well. The mobile app has interesting additional features such as, you can reply to a missive or call the sender later. You can swipe left to set reminder within the app etc. You can access inbox using desktop version or you can download the free app which is available for Android and iOS.

2. Multiple Email Accounts

Are you the user who prefers to maintain multiple email accounts for multiple purposes. CloudMagic is the right tool for you. It lets you add Gmail, iCloud, Outlook, Yahoo and IMAP accounts in a single user interface. You can personalize each account using your digital signature, colors and notification sound. You can either view emails in separate inboxes or you can view them in unified format. The app offers lot of gesture shortcuts too. You can swipe left to delete, archive or mark as read. You can press and hold to select multiple emails, and even add tools known as cards to Google Keep, Evernote, OneNote, Pocket and To-do list. The app is available to download for free on Android and iOS platforms.

3. Cloud Storage

If you need to maintain the backup of your emails and use Dropbox to store your email data then try Boxer. The app lets you setup one email account only unless you send five invites to your friends. The app lets you customize each mailbox with signatures and colors. You can create unlimited virtual inboxes to view mails form different folder across different accounts. You can attach files from your Dropbox to send view email. You can even add the notes to to-do list or Evernote app. The app is available for Android, iOS and Amazon Kindle Fire.

4. Productivity

Productivity is an important aspect of email maintenance. Acompli Email and Calendar lets you access number of multiple functions within the app. You can access your emails form multiple accounts, set appointment, schedule meetings using built-in calendar feature. You can even link OneDrive and Dropbox to use the files from cloud to send with an email. The app also lists attachments that you receive in your inbox. You can filter the mails using different categories. The app features different gesture shortcuts as well. Acompli is available to download for free on Android, iOS and Kindle Fire platform.

5. For Tablets

Ever wondering how a properly tablet optimized email app would look like? Well, Interface is a tablet optimized email app. The app is optimized to work well with large screens. It provides you quick preview of email content without opening the actual mail. You can even reply to email from the dashboard itself. Emails can be categorized under labels like, Personal, Social and Services. The app displayed frequently emailed contacts on the dashboard for ease of sending the emails to frequent contacts. It has some useful gesture shortcuts. The app is available for Android and iOS.

6. Dodge Spammers

Are you fed up of marketing spams you get in your inbox? The app called MailDrop lets you create temporary email IDs to fill in online forms. You can simply enter username and hit GO to register the email account. These are pseudo IDs that lets you manage marketing spams like newsletters and notifications from websites. The interface is simple, all attachments that you receive are discarded automatically. The inbox gets cleared every 24 hours and spams are automatically filtered on MailDrop. You can use mail drop from it’s web interface by signing up on
Are you tired of organising your emails on a regular basis? These tools can help you ease the boring process!


Monday, 22 December 2014

Top 10 Smartphones Of 2014

2014 was quite dramatic for Indian smartphone industry. Quite a lot of smartphones were launched during the whole year. We witnessed the growth of budget smartphones in country. Many leading players like Motorola, Asus launchd the series of budget smartphones. Some new arrivals like Xiaomi and OnePlus released top-notch smartphones at low price.

While on the other hand, flagship products from leading players got much needed updates. We have witnessed the smartphone industry reaching new level of refinement during 2015. The user experience of smartphones was more focused than just hardware specs. Here are the top 10 smartphones of 2014.

1. Apple iPhone 6 Plus

13.97-cm (5.5-inch) IPS LCD display of 1080x1920 px
1.4 GHz Dual-Core A8 processor, 1 GB RAM
8MP iSight Camera, 1.2MP front facing camera
3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint sensor, NFC
Apple iOS v8
16/64/128 GB internal memory
2915 mAh Li-Pro battery

2. Samsung Galaxy Note 4

14.47-cm (5.7-inch) Super AMOLED display of 1440x2560 px
2.7 GHz Quad-core processor, 3 GB RAM
16MP primary, 3.7MP secondary camera
3G, WiFi, NFC, Bluetooth 4.0
Android v4.4 KitKat
32 GB internal, microSD support up to 128 GB
3220 mAh Li-ion battery

3. Moto G (2nd gen.)

12.7-cm (5-inch) IPS LCD display of 720x1280 px
1.2 GHz Quad-core processor, 1 GB RAM
8MP primary, 2MP secondary camera
3G, WiFi, DNLA, Bluetooth 4.0
Android v4.4 KitKat
8 GB internal, microSD support up to 32 GB
2070 mAh Li-ion battery

4. Sony Xperia Z3

13.20-cm (5.2-inch) IPS LCD display of 1080x1920 px
2.5 GHz Quad-core processor, 3 GB RAM
20.7MP primary, 2.2MP secondary camera
Android v4.4 KitKat
16/32 GB internal, microSD support up to 128 GB
3100 mAh Li-ion battery

5. OnePlus One

13.97-cm (5.5-inch) LTPS LCD display of 1080x1920 px
2.5 GHz Quad core processor, 3 GB RAM
13MP primary camera, 5MP secondary camera
Android v4.4.2 KitKat
16/64 GB internal storage
3100 Li-Pro battery

6. Oppo Find 7

13.97-cm (5.5-inch) IPS LCD display of 1440x2560 px
2.5 GHz Quad core processor, 3 GB RAM
13MP primary camera, 5MP secondary camera
Android v4.3 Jelly Bean
32 GB internal storage, microSD support up to 128 GB
3000 Li-Pro battery

7. Xiaomi Mi 3

12.7-cm (5-inch) IPS LCD display of 1080x1920 px
2.3 GHz Quad core processor, 2 GB RAM
13MP primary camera, 5MP secondary camera
Android v4.3 Jelly Bean
16/64 GB internal storage
3050 Li-ion battery

8. HTC One M8

12.7-cm (5-inch) Super LCD3 display of 1080x1920 px
2.3 GHz Quad core processor, 2 GB RAM
Dual 4MP primary camera, 5MP secondary camera
3G, WiFi, NFC, DNLA, Bluetooth 4.0
Android v4.4.2 KitKat
16/32 GB internal storage, microSD support up to 128 GB
2600 Li-Pro battery

9. Moto X (2nd gen.)

13.20-cm (5.2-inch) AMOLED display of 1080x1920 px
2.5 GHz Quad core processor, 2 GB RAM
13MP primary camera, 2MP secondary camera
3G, WiFi, NFC, DNLA, Bluetooth 4.0
Android v4.4.2 KitKat
16/32 GB internal storage
2300 Li-ion battery

10. Nokia Lumia 830

12.7-cm (5-inch) IPS LCD display of 720x1280 px
1.2 GHz Quad core processor, 1 GB RAM
10MP primary camera, 1.2MP secondary camera
3G, WiFi, NFC, DNLA, Bluetooth 4.0
Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1
16 GB internal storage, microSD support up to 128 GB
2200 Li-Pro battery
2014 was an interesting year for the smartphone industry. These 10 smartphones ruled the market for quite a while in 2014.

Ubuntu 15.04 Alpha 1

Ubuntu 15.04 Alpha 1 Releases Now Ready for Download

The first alpha releases in the Ubuntu 15.04 development cycle are now available to download for testing.

Four flavors participate in this milestone, including Ubuntu GNOME and Kubuntu. Ubuntu ‘proper’ will once again only participate in the final beta release due March 2015.
What’s New?

Naturally, being this early on in the development cycle means there aren’t huge wholesale changes on show.

Kubuntu 15.04 Alpha 1

Shared changes common between all alpha flavors include the latest Linux Kernel 3.18, helping lay a firm foundation on which future changes are based.

Breaking that tradition nice and early is Kubuntu 15.04 Alpha 1. It ships with the brand new KDE Plasma 5 desktop as default. No opt in or separate ISO, just there, ready to go. And what a change it makes.

Kubuntu feels lighter and fresher than ever before, and the outstanding gaps in features and UI are easily overlooked. Kubuntu developers consider Plasma 5 to be ‘stable enough for everyday use’, and thanks to a rapid development cadence, it is getting better by the day.

Download Kubuntu 15.04 Alpha 1

With the world’s biggest mobile operating, China Mobile, this week throwing its weight behind Ubuntu for Phones it is great to see the China-focused Ubuntu Kylin 15.04 Alpha 1 arriving fresh faced and ready for play.

It features a bunch of bug fixes including new versions of Kylin Software Center, China Music Scope, Youker Assistant and China Calendar.

Download Kylin 15.05 Alpha 1

Apps, Apps, Apps

Ubuntu GNOME 15.04 Alpha 1 is a little light on major changes while it waits on the arrival of GNOME 3.14 and associated apps to Ubuntu’s repositories. By Alpha 2 the spin should be shipping with 3.14 apps, features and related improvements.

One notable change you can see in this release: applications now show a ‘close’ button only, in keeping with upstream GNOME design decisions. Minimise and Maximise controls can be re-added using the Tweak Tool application available from the Software Center.

Download Ubuntu GNOME 15.04 Alpha 1

Lubuntu 15.04 Alpha 1 features a handful of bug fixes as development continues on readying LXQt for a future release.

Download Lubuntu 15.04 Alpha 1
Alpha means bugs, bugs mean headaches

Alpha releases are not suited for use by regular users, as a primary OS, or in mission-critical (read: essay due) situations. There will be bugs and breakages. There may even be tears before bedtime. Consider yourself warned.

For a reminder of the rest of Ubuntu 15.04 release schedule plans feast your eyes on the following graphic, kindly ignoring the word ‘draft’ as the dates are now final.

Courtesy-OMG Ubuntu

Opera for Linux

After an 18 Month Gap, Opera for Linux Returns With New Stable Release

The first stable release of Opera for Linux in more than 18 months is now available for download.

Opera for Computers for Linux 26 (no really, that’s its name) features a complete top-to-bottom overhaul, new features, and better performance thanks to its Aura and Blink underpinnings (yes, it’s no longer based on the proprietary Presto web engine).

The browser wiggled its toes in tux-friendly waters back in June with the launch of a developer preview, but if you last tried Opera when it looked like this, you’ll want to grab some smelling salts: things have changed.

Alongside an impressive new look and blazing fast, standards-compliant rendering engine come many new and improved features.
Discover — Shows articles from around the web in a range of categories
Speed Dial — Supports interactive widgets, folders, and themes
Tab Peek — Preview the content of an open tab without switching back to it
Opera Turbo — Data-saving mode ideal for patchy connections
Rich bookmarking — including new sharing functionality
Add-ons — compatible with Chrome extensions, too
Support for HiDPI displays on Linux
Download Opera for Linux 26

Opera say those running Opera 12.6 on a 64-bit version of Ubuntu still supported by Canonical will automatically receive this new update through the Ubuntu Software Center.

But in all honesty I’m not sure anyone is in that boat! So, helpfully, a Debian installer can be downloaded from the Opera website. This will also add the Opera repository to your Software Sources to enable you to receive future updates in a timely fashion.

Download Opera for Computers for Linux 26

Feel free to kit your new browser out with our nifty Opera Add-On, too:
Important Notice about Linux Support

Opera for Linux is 64-bit only. The company say this decision was made based on ‘what most Linux desktop users have installed’. While annoying it is part of a larger overall trend away from 32-bit software, with Opera for Mac also being 64-bit exclusive, too.

In another case of “spending limited resources wisely”, this release is only being officially supported on Ubuntu (and ‘buntu-based derivatives, including Linux Mint).

Users on other distributions, from Arch to openSUSE, can still install Opera for Linux but will need to use a (fairly simple) workaround or hunt down an unofficial repository.

Courtesy-OMG Ubuntu

Myths And Mistakes Coding Job Seekers Do!

Here are the 5 mistakes and 5 myths that coding job hunters often end up doing!

Large number of people are pursuing computer programmer as career over the years. Computer software is a fastest growing industry, changes are made every other day. If you are already working in software industry or planning to upscale your skillset, you need to be aware of five myths and five mistakes about programming.


1. You need to be special to be a developer

People often have this misconception, they think they need to be someone special to be a programmer, programmers are born with calculator brains etc. But in fact, developers are just ordinary people with a passion for coding. As in any work, your talent gets you only up to one certain level but passion can get you tremendous amount of success. Learning how to code is not a rocket science, it’s simple form of communication between developer and computer. It’s like writing the instructions manual in special language.

2. A computer science degree

Most people think that they need a college degree to become a programmer. In fact there are so many best programmers in the world who never went to college. We have a great developers who are just 10-12 year old. There are number of online learning platforms which can help you to learn programming. There is renowned codeacademy, coursera etc tried and tested options.

3. Mathematical skills

Another misconception is you need to be math genius to become a develop. Well, yo don't necessarily need to know how to approximate definite integral using parabolic variable. All you need is basic algebra, logic and strong problem solving skill set and more than anything else, patience. There are number of plugins and libraries available that can help you in running calculations.

4. Learn the best programming language

Well, there is no best language. No computer language is or can be better than the other. All are important. It’s just like French is not better than Spanish. Both are spoken and used in different countries. You need to master the multiple programming languages for sure. You can always start from fundamental until you get to that level. In fact, languages that have lot of foundation al level should be your focus in the beginning.

5. It’s too late

Some people think that they have grown old and it’s too late to them to learn programming. Well, as a matter of fact, it’s never too late to learn how to code. Boot camps is a great concept for students of all ages. Boot camps have been a great success. You can always attend one of them or you can join the online program to learn to code. Most online courses are offered for free.


1. Graduation is beginning

You may think graduation of basic understanding is beginning. You get solid understanding of basic programming terms and concepts but it’s totally misconception if you think it’s just a beginning. Well, it’s totally wrong. Most of boot camp alumni would like to believe the opposite. They believe that the graduation is just the end of their journey.

2. Job will come after you

Web developers think, their demand is high, java developers would like to believe everyone’s looking for them. Most boot camps have great resources to gain employment but that doesn't mean you can sit and wait for the job to come looking for you. While you are waiting, other graduates are filling in your spot. It is very important that you seek for a job all by yourself. Success does not come without some efforts.

3. Not networking

The best way to get the job is though network of friends. most people go wrong here. Boot camp is the best place to network with people sharing same passion and knowledge. It is very important that you network with people at boot camps or at college. Remember these are the people who might offer you a job or recommend you for a job in future.

4. Not refining skills

By the end of the journey of learning how to code, you learn lot of skills but that doesn't mean the learning process is complete, in fact, it just started. When you learn French and not practice it in daily life, you are supposed to forget it over time. To prevent this from happening, it is very important that you practice your skills to refine them.

5. Not preparing for interviews

Many programmers have proper knowledge, training but they lack at interview skills. You should think of the interview as the muscle of everything. It’s a key point because that’s the first impression about your skills. You must practice common programming tests that interviewers give. The technical interviews are lot different than the other job interviews. You might get a coding challenge in interviews that you are expected to solve overnight. There are many online tools available that can train for an interview.


Tips To Write A Better Resume For An IT Job

Looking for a job? Is your resume good enough? Let's find out.

Cracking a good job in IT industry is difficult. Freshers often have hard time in creating that first impression which is must to get the IT job. The resume plays vital role in making that first impression that pretty much decides whether you are good enough to knock off the job. Today we have listed top 10 tips that can help you creating the impressive resume.

1. Keep it clean

Don’t clutter your resume with load of useless data such as job responsibilities, daily tasks etc. Focus on how you can really solve the problems for employers. Define the context in what you think you can help the employer to earn more profit.

2. Know your interviewer

While going for an interview with your resume, it is must that you know who your interviewer is and some brief information about his/her personality would help in cracking a better deal. You should ask yourself if your resume is good enough to be read in front of audience. Try to put yourself in interviewer’s shoes and examine your resume.

3. A compelling personal story

Your resume should tell an impressive life store about yourself. You can make your resume more interesting by putting it in form of journey with milestones. The resume should engage the employer to read again and again.

4. Sales Skills

The resume should shed light on your sales skills. Nothing impresses employer as sales skill. Sales figure, number of deals that you have closed in past, the revenue target that you achieved add more value to your resume than anything else.

5. Fresh and updated

Some candidates often pickup the old, shady resume and appear for job interview. This is a very wrong approach, you should always bring fresh and updated resume to the job interview each year. The updated resume gives an idea of your responsibility to the employer. It is important that you mention all the new skillset, experience and knowledge you have gained.

6. Don’t underestimate

Never underestimate your abilities. If you have any place to showcase your achievement, this is it. Make sure that you honor your success, skills and knowledge in every possible way in the resume. Do not sell yourself short. This is the part that catches reader’s most of the attention.

7. Never lie

It may be tempting to lie about your skillset and achievements to get a better job but if you are planning to stick around for long run, you must not lie. This can create a black spot on your entire future career. You should never exaggerate your IT skills or claim the false experience.

8. Information overload

It is equally important that your resume follows minimalistic approach. It is applicant’s responsibility to present maximum information in minimal words. The resume shouldn’t look cluttered with too much of information.

9. Avoid buzzword

Make sure that the language used in the resume is clear, sophisticated and easy to understand. This approach helps in attracting the readers. The use of buzzwords, jargon and gibberish can ruin that first impression that you are planning to have on your users.

10. Position the content well

The resume gets the time frame of hardly 10-15 seconds to get employer’s attention. The resume should leave the greater response within this short time span. The well-positioned resume can be proven very helpful in this case. You should place the achievements and awards information near top of the first page to gain more attention.


Sunday, 21 December 2014

WD My Passport Wireless 2TB

The new WD My Passport Wireless portable storage hard drive is mainly aimed at business travelers who travel frequently, travel to work outside the home or creative professionals, so that the user can use Smartphone, Tablet, PC, and other intelligent devices through WiFi wireless transmission access and share files within the My Passport Wireless for Smartphone, Tablet device to store a limited capacity to expand storage space.

The 2TB version send test samples with dimensions of 127mm x 86mm x 29.8mm, weight about 350g, using WD Green series WD20NPVX 2.5 "SATA 6Gb / s hard drive, variable speed IntelliPower support energy-saving technologies, may need to change the motor speed to provide best power efficiency in the use, read the average power consumption is only 1.7W, idle power consumption is 0.8W, Sleep consumes only 0.2W.

Top has a power switch, WPS wireless connection button and Micro USB 3.0 port

My Passport Wireless processor uses TI AM3352 Sitara-A8 SoC chip, built-in 512MB of system memory and 128MB SLC NAND Flash, the network uses the TI WiLink WL1805MOD SDIO Wi-Fi module, support for IEEE 802.11n 2x2 MIMO wireless network, the maximum wireless transmission speed of 150Mbps, allowing eight devices at the same time in order to access the wireless access and share content, processing capacity sufficient to meet the four devices simultaneously streaming 1080P HD video.

My Passport Wireless built-in lithium 3.7v 3400mAh Li-Po battery, fully charged can provide up to 20 hours of battery life, and enough for 6 hours of video streaming, users can store up to hundreds of hours of movies, music, photos and other digital files, in Smartphone, Tablet PC and other mobile devices to play on, turned Action Media Centre, but also to share with fellow friends to share, to be the best equipped in the travel time.

(Left) has a positive charge and WiFi mode LED status lights (right) Rated input 5V 1.5A

In the AP mode can be used as WiFi Repeater, My Passport Wireless can connect to the network with WiFi, such as coffee shops, airports and hotels and other public WiFi, so that all devices can be connected to the Internet. If you connect to your home WiFi network, users can start the NAS device turned Share Content mode, My Passport Wireless WiFi network will become the network hard drive device, so that all devices connecting to the network can access the hard disk information, is very convenient.

Built-in USB 3.0 SD Card Reader Transfer

(Left) support USB 3.0 cable transmission (right) included 5V 2A power supply

Products attached a set of USB 3.0 transmission line, when you need to write a lot of information, users can use the My Passport Wireless fuselage Micro USB 3.0 port for connecting a PC directly connected with high-speed read and write performance, but also for the My Passport Wireless supplement electricity. Micro USB 3.0 port as both a charging interface, the product attached to a set of 5V 2A USB charger, support 100 ~ 240V AC voltage regulation and Europe dual plug for My Passport Wireless provides fast charging.

Built-in SD Card convenience photographers instant backup photo

Fuselage with SD Card Reader, supporting SD 2.0 specification maximum access speed of 25MB / s, can be copied with the family through My Cloud apps SD Card information or move into the washer, My Passport Wireless SD Card data can be set automatic synchronization, or press the WPS button to synchronize the contents of the SD Card to the hard disk storage space.

Support Apple iOS, Google Android and DLNA devices

Product Support Windows and Mac OSX operating system PC, without having to use a WiFi connection through software can be used as a network hard drive access, users can also be set and managed through a browser or attached WD Quick View software.

Based on Apple iOS and Google Android operating system, Smartphone, Tablet, users can download the WD My Cloud apps in Apple AppStore and Google Play, through the My Cloud application management settings and access the hard disk data, and photos can be backed up within the device so that the limited storage capacity of mobile devices, can transform 2TB multimedia player action.

WD Cloud App provides a complete set selection and file read and write functions

WD MyPassport Wireless DLNA server support function, support DNLA agreement SmartTV placed in the hard drive can be accessed through the Internet photos, music and movies direct play. Most digital cameras support wireless networks are providing FTP transmission function, WD MyPassport Wireless provides the FTP server function, so you can upload a digital camera photo files to your hard drive.

For advanced players, WD MyPassport Wireless provides SSH Secured Shell protocol, SSH mode provides a more powerful, but other than WD normal use SSH to make changes will be lost WD warranty.

Under the SSH mode can be set and modified deeper

USB 3.0 transfer mode ︰

WD My Passport Wireless 2TB uses for energy-based WD Green series WD20NPVT 2.5 "HDD, USB 3.0 high-speed access in the mode, the maximum sequential read and write up to 114.9MB / s Read, 113.8MB / s Write, 512K file size reading write speed of 42.72MB / s Read, 20.82MB / s Write.

HDD for file read and write performance than the crushing of the poor, with only WD20NPVT HDD built-in 8MB Cache, 4K read and write separately only 0.535MB / s Read and 0.283MB / s Write, because of multimedia files are large files, and therefore does not WD My Passport Wireless 2TB affect performance sharing and streaming multimedia files.

Wireless-N Wi-mode:

Using Wireless-N mode, WD My Passport Wireless 2TB maximum connection speed wireless 150Mbps, greatly limits the hard drive transmission function, sequential read and write about 10.08MB / s Read, 10.19MB / s Write, 512KB read about 9.797MB / s Read, 9.611MB / s Write.

To reduce network transmission due to seasonal waiting wasting unnecessary power hard drives, WD My Passport Wireless built in 512MB DDR3 Read Cache and 128MB SLC Disk Cache, the former is mainly used as a Disk Read Buffer to improve read performance, you need the string Data will be written into the flow advances Wireless Disk Buffer, so drives can advance into hibernation, which is Write Cache Buffer and media archive database, the use of SLC NAND Flash devices even if a sudden power failure, information is also written will not disappear.

Since taking Wireless-N Wi-store mode, WD My Passport Wireless has Disk Cache acceleration, so the CrystalDiskMark test benefit Disk Cache, even compared with the performance of USB 3.0 mode has improved, especially 4KQD32 next most obvious.